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Garnadette Stuckey, Ph.D. is the founder and CEO of GJS H.O.P.E. (Honoring Ourselves as Powerful Entities) LLC. This agency is committed to serving communities striving to increase peace, equity, and unity.
Dr. Stuckey serves as a community psychologist and licensed clinical social worker. Dr. Stuckey received her Doctorate in Community Psychology at National Louis University and received her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago.
Dr. Stuckey works within her passion as a psychotherapist in private practice. Additionally, Dr. Stuckey works to inspire community engagement by connecting leaders with local government. Dr. Stuckey recognizes the importance of embracing our youth and ensure they have all the necessary tools with which they can build their most productive pathways toward physical, mental, emotional, and financial wellness.
Dr. Stuckey is passionate about education and is an adjunct professor in the fields of social work and psychology. Dr. Stuckey is passionate about policy development and implementation that would allow for equity, violence prevention, and unity.
I'm no longer willing to accept the things I cannot change...I'm changing the things I cannot accept. Angela Davis